COVID-19 Safety Protocol
Mask Policy
Non-Vaccinated dancers ARE REQUIRED to wear a mask or face shield while inside Downstage Center (lobby and dance room).
Vaccinated dancers have the option of wearing or not wearing a face covering. IF YOU ARE VACCINATED, YOU MUST PROVIDE PROOF TO DSC VIA EMAIL.
Dancers who are not masked, without proof of vaccination will be asked to call home for a mask to be delivered to them, or purchase one at Downstage Center.
Hopefully throughout this season the Covid-19/Delta Variant Crisis will change for the better and DSC can re-evaluate mask protocol. As of now, these rules will be enforced.
Need a dance mask? CLICK HERE
Clean and Healthy
Inside Downstage Center facility, we will continue with the same health and safety standards as last season:
Hand sanitation station upon entry and in classroom.
Ventilation and Air Purification Systems.
Hand-washing and teaching respiratory etiquette.
Daily cleaning and sanitizing studio, lobby, bathrooms.
Lobby Area Closed* to Parents/Guests
Parents*/Guests are not permitted to wait inside the facility. If a parent needs to visit the desk, they can enter once students are in their dance class.
*One Pre-Dance parent can drop off/pick up inside the lobby, wearing a mask. Please do not bring additional children inside the facility. If you need help, call 215-736-8424 and we will safely escort your child to or from your vehicle.